I have been a slacker, not posting every day. I am going to start posting every day again, and attempt to go back and catch us up ! Thanks for sharing in my miracles every day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

She flies through the air...with the greatest of ease!

Baby girl LOVES the swings.  She says "whee!" every time I push her.  She is growing up so fast, I will have to stop calling her "baby girl."  At home we call her "Sister," so I will start calling her that.  

Thursday, September 8, 2011

We all scream for ice cream!

We walked to the local farm store for a sweet snack. It has been super hot lately (ok, it was 81 today...)  but to us that is hot.  The kids quite enjoyed their treats. Momma and Daddy enjoyed the sweet faces of our babies as they ate their yummy ice cream.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today was the first day of Joy School. We had it at our house, and focused on getting reacquainted, reviewing the rules, getting back into the groove.  The boy has been anxiously awaiting getting back to preschool. He has two, this one that is home based and focuses on things like family relationships, having courage, making goals, and then a traditional one that teaches reading skills, etc.  He loves them both and both are very good for him in different ways.  I desperately wanted to go to kindergarten this year, but he is still just too young. One more year for him to be a little guy. I figured out today that he will graduate with the class of 2025.  Wow does that make me feel super old.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fast cars and fun

Today Home Depot had their race car outside.  We couldn't actually sit in it, but we could touch it and look inside.  The boy though that it was pretty awesome.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor day

Today we went fishin'. The boy even caught one but it was too little and we had to throw it back.  He is such a funny kid.  He always finds a reason to throw them back. This one was too small, one was too big, one was too slappy, one was too fishy.  I think he just likes holding that pole.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hanging out with the Elders

We love having the elders in our home.  This current set has spent a lot of time with us, because they were helping teach the discussions to our dear friend, and now they are teaching her the new member lessons!  We try to postpone taking pictures with them until the very last minute because I have this theory that if we take a picture with them and our whole family, they will get transferred!  Transfers are coming up this week, so we took a picture "just in case."  Usually what happens is that every other elder stays with us for about 6 months, so if that is the cake, Elder A (taller one on the left) will be with us for a while, and Elder J (on the right) will be transferred soon.  We'll see if they stick true to the pattern!! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Makin' do

It has been a crazy weather day today. Super windy, and rainy.  Daddy didn't let that stop him from playing bubbles with baby girl!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Another one!

I can't believe the series of beautiful sunsets we've had lately.  The clouds were amazing also tonight, so the boy and I hiked to the end of the street and got another picture.  It's so neat to see him getting excited about taking pictures, the sunsets, and nature.  He is always telling me about how Jesus made us, and made everything.  I can't believe how grown up he is getting.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The boy is SO excited to be starting soccer. Tonight is his first practice, and he insisted on getting his soccer gear on first thing.  He is actually pretty talented for never having done it before, and I hope he has as much fun as he thinks he will!!